John Twachtman Catalogue Raisonné Form

Ira Spanierman   Richard J. Boyle
Dr. Lisa N. Peters A Catalogue Raisonné Dr. William H. Gerdts

Please complete, sign, and return this form to the John Henry Twachtman catalogue raisonné with a photograph of the work in your collection. (Additional sheets may be used.)

For information as to whether a work will be included in the catalogue raisonné, you must contact Lisa N. Peters approximately one month after this form has been received by her.

Name, address, and telephone number (not for publication):

(Please include zip code and area code)


Title of the work (or short description if title is not known):

Date (leave blank if not known):

Medium (oil, watercolor, pastel, other media, etc.):

Support (canvas, wood panel, paper, cardboard, etc.):

Dimensions to nearest 1/8 inch. Please do not include the frame or mat:


Signature, date, and inscriptions:

Indicate as exactly as possible how the signature, date, and/or inscriptions (other markings) appear, and describe the exact location where each appears (lower right, lower left, on the back of the work, on the stretcher, on the frame, etc.)


Spanierman Gallery, LLC, 45 East 58th Street, New York, NY 10022-1617 Tel. (212) 832-0208
Fax: (212) 832-8349 E-mail:

Labels and other markings on back of work:

Labels and other markings on back of frame:

Labels and other markings on back of stretcher:

Condition: Please describe the work’s condition including whether it has been relined, restored, or retouched. (If a condition report is available, we would appreciate a copy.)

Is the work in its original frame?


From whom did you acquire this work? (Please list address if known.)

Date of acquisition:

Previous owners: (Please list names, addresses, and dates of ownership, of

all other previous owners known.)

Exhibition History. Please list in chronological order, starting with the earliest, all exhibitions you know of where this work was shown:







Publication History. Please list any references to this work, of which you are aware, that are included in published sources (books, magazines, catalogues, etc.):


Indicate for each case if a photograph is enclosed, previously sent, or to be sent:

black and white print________________________size_______

color slide__________________________________

color transparency___________________________size_______

color print (positive)_______________________size_______

Polaroid or snapshot_________________________


Credit Line. Please indicate how the credit line should appear or if you prefer to remain anonymous (as ‘Private Collection’):


Additional comments:






If, on the evidence herein provided, the work warrants examination, and/or further research you will be so informed. The John Henry Twachtman catalogue raisonné will not accept, or assume responsibility for, unsolicited original works.

I confirm that I am the owner of the work of art herein described. I also confirm that I hereby submit the work herein described for consideration for inclusion in the John Henry Twachtman Catalogue Raisonné. If the work is accepted for inclusion, I authorize the use of the foregoing information in the publication as well as the reproduction of the work with the credit line set forth above.

In consideration of the agreement of the Spanierman Gallery to obtain and render an opinion on the decision on inclusion of the described work in the catalogue raisonné, which may be oral or written, I hereby agree that neither such opinion nor its communication to any third party will be made grounds for any suit on any theory against the Gallery, its employees or any person or persons consulted or otherwise involved in obtaining and rendering the opinion. I further release all claims which I now or hereafter have which might serve as the basis of such a suit. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Gallery, its employees and any other person or persons consulted or otherwise involved in obtaining and rendering the opinion for any damages or expenses, including attorney's fees, interest and all costs incurred as a result of any legal action brought on the grounds of such opinion or arising out of the publication of the catalogue raisonné.


Date: _____________________________________________________

Please keep us informed if this work changes hands.

©2000 Copyright The Spanierman Gallery